Sun, 21-02



10 – 18 h

Staatenhaus am Rheinpark / Oper Köln

in English


On February 21st 2016 an expert symposium will be held for students, teachers and the interested public, which will address in depth questions that have been raised in relation to feedback. Presentations, lectures and lecture performances by international guest speakers relate in the symposium i.a. to the topics of the workshops.


10.00 h Welcome and Introduction by Vera Sander
10.20 h Feedback and Artistic Learning as Collective Processes
Lecture by Yvonne Hardt
11.10 h Reflective Practices as Techniques of the Self: An Educational Theoretical Perspective
Lecture by Martin Stern
12.00 h Coffee break
12.15 h When Dance Became Movement (and Movement Became Material)
Lecture-Performance by Eva Karczag
13.00 h Lunch breack
14.00 h Budo Ballet Initiative – a project from Amy Raymond & Akira Hino
by Amy Raymond
Choreographic Public Dialogues
by Dana Caspersen
14.45 h Coffee break
15.00 h Feedback and Reflection in Institutional Contexts
roundtable facilitated by Prof. Vera Sander and Prof. Nik Haffner, with Eva Karczag, Bojana Mladenovic, Jason Beechey, Anna Wagner, Martin Sonderkamp, Mariella Greil
16.00 h Processing Documentation: Feedback in and as Documentary Practices
Lecture by Gabriele Wittmann
16:45 h Smuggling the Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of Workshops
Sharing format of students
18.00 h End


Admission prices
Symposium 02.21.16, regular € 8 / reduced € 5
Combined ticket, symposium & performance, regular € 35 / reduced € 17

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