Mon, 15-02

• 110 dancers • 14 choreographies | Part 1

19:30 h

Staatenhaus am Rheinpark / Oper Köln

110 graduates of the ten state and five international dance training institutions presenting 14 choreographies on the theme of the 5th Biennale Tanzausbildung 2016 Köln.


They were rehearsed with them in their final year of training with international choreographers and are performed as a premiere. These presentations give a comprehensive overview of the impressive variety and outstanding quality of the artistic skills of the graduates of the dance training institutions.




Marco Goecke (choreography) / Staatliche Ballettschule und Schule für Artistik, Berlin

Mikko Niemistö (choreography) / School for Dance and Circus, Stockholm

John Hewitt (choreography) / Ballettschule des Hamburg Ballett

Nicola Biasutti (choreography) / John Cranko Schule, Stuttgart




Stephen Shropshire (choreography) / Codarts – Rotterdamse Dansacademie

Jean Cébron and students from 4th year B.A. Tanz (choreography) / Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen

Shumpei Nemoto (choreography) /  Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, Zentrum für Zeitgenössischen Tanz




Admission prices
Performance 02.15.16, regular € 20 / reduced € 10
Performance 02.16.16, regular € 20 / reduced € 10
Symposium 02.21.16, regular € 8 / reduced € 5
Combined ticket, symposium & performance, regular € 35 / reduced € 17

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