Wen, 17-02


19 h

dance and cultural institutions in NRW

for students and teachers


in English


Cultural institutions in NRW open their doors and let us into their sanctuary: Kitchens and rehearsal spaces, artistic practices and refreshment centres. We get to know each other (and the institutions) at rehearsals, during talks, and, of course, delicious dinners.


  • Ballett am Rhein, Düsseldorf
  • Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf
  • Theater im Ballsaal, Bonn
  • Kunstsalon, Köln
  • Akademie der Künste der Welt, Köln
  • Dt. Tanzarchiv, Köln
  • nrw landesbüro tanz, Köln
  • Zentrum für Zeitgenössischen Tanz
  • Quartier am Hafen, Köln
  • Tanzfaktur, Köln
  • Freihandelszone / Mouvoir, Köln
  • PACT Zollverein, Essen


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